Sample Vows
Here is an example of vows you can use at your 30A Beach Weddings ceremony. Don't forget, we can provide the officiant who can also perform the vows of your choice.
We are here today to celebrate the miracle of love. (Groom’s name) ________ and (Bride’s full name) _________ have found that miracle in each other, and now desire to share their love all the days of their lives.
Are both of you willing to give your hand to the one whose heart you hold?
(Both answer) Yes, we are.
Who presents (Bride) _________ to be married to (Groom) ___________?
Address and Readings
Today you are giving yourselves to one another to love and to live. Your lives are being woven together, and in time, they will intertwine in such a way that you truly will become one in heart, mind, and soul.
When a Man and a Woman are in Love
When a man and a woman are in love, His life lies within hers and her life lies within his.
Each lives as an individual, yet they also live for one another. Each strives for independent goals, but they also work together to achieve their dreams.
When a man and a woman are in love, they will give to one another what they need to survive and help fulfill each other’s wants.
They will work as a mirror, reflecting to each other their strengths and weaknesses. They will work together to alleviate the emotional walls that may separate them.
They will be there to comfort each other in ties of sorrow. They will be there to celebrate together in times of happiness.
They will be one another’s friend, guiding each other to the happiness that life holds. Together they will love one another for the rest of their live and forever.
(Groom) _________ and (Bride) ____________, may this kind of love always help you keep the promises you are about to make here today.
Wedding Vows
(Groom)_________, please repeat after me.
I, (Groom) ________ take you, (Bride)___________/ to be my wedded wife./ I do promise before God and these witnesses/ to be faithful and true / in plenty and in want,/ in joy and in sorrow, in sickness and in health, / and I will love you and cherish you / for as long as we both shall live.
(Bride) _______ , please repeat after me.
I, (Bride) ______ take you (Groom) ________, to be my wedded husband, / I do promise before God and these witnesses/ to be faithful and true / in plenty and in want / in joy
and in sorrow, in sickness and in health, / and I will love you and cherish you / for as long as we both shall live.
Explanation of the Rings
The wedding ring is the outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual bond that unites two loyal hearts in endless love. May these rings always remind you that it was love that brought you together, and it is love that will keep you together through all the seasons of your lives.
Ring Exchange Vows
(Groom) _______, please repeat after me.
(Bride) ________, This ring I give in token and pledge/ as a sing of my love and devotion/ With this ring, I thee wed.
(Bride) ________, please repeat after me.
(Groom) ________, This ring I give in token and pledge/ as a sign of my love and devotion/ With this ring, I thee wed.
Wedding Prayer/Blessing
May God bless you with Hope enough to keep sunshine in your love, and strength enough to keep you holding hands in the dark, Unity enough to keep your roots entwined, and separation enough to keep you reaching for each other, Harmony enough to keep romance in your song, and discord enough to keep you tuning your love as it becomes sweet music to all who may hear it.
Now that you have shared with each other these words of love and commitment, and we have witnessed the expression of your love as you have given each other these rings, and you have joined your hands and hearts before your family and friends, it is with great joy that I pronounce you husband and wife.
(Groom) ______You may kiss your bride.
Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my privilege to introduce to you for the very first time, (Mr. and Mrs.) _____________.
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